Thursday, September 14, 2023
NewsAnimal NewsNew resources to help farmers manage land with beavers in Scotland

New resources to help farmers manage land with beavers in Scotland

THE Farm Advisory Service (FAS) has published new resources to help farmers learn about managing land with beavers in Scotland.

The presence of beavers can increase land biodiversity, and evidence is already being seen by farmers who are currently living alongside them.  

In 2021 the Scottish Government announced a policy change to increase the relocation of beavers across Scotland, supporting the expansion of their population.  

Beavers have been reintroduced to Scotland over the last two decades after being hunted to extinction in the 16th century.

Now, the FAS have produced a series of case study videos featuring farmers discussing their experiences of implementing beaver management options.

A Eurasian beaver swimming amongst summertime greenery
Eurasian beaver swimming in Scottish wetlands

While some areas are unsuitable for beavers due to their landscape, or agricultural value, there are ideal places throughout Scotland where their presence will not cause serious concern to humans, infrastructure, or wildlife.  

Through the resources on the FAS website, farmers can learn about beavers and their potential benefits or adverse impacts on land.

Farmers can learn about what is involved in the beaver relocation process, as well as access interviews with stakeholders such as NatureScot, Beaver Trust, and The Cairngorms National Park who discuss their plans to relocate beavers to the National Park.  

Rachel Smillie from SAC Consulting, who helped produce the resources, said: “Beavers are getting a lot of press at the moment and I’m glad farmers now have these resources, so they know what their options are and where to find more information.

“When producing the case study videos, we visited farmers who have beavers or have seen some beaver activity on their land. It was great to see first-hand how they are living alongside them, and the management actions they use to mitigate unwanted impacts.

“The videos showcase that when beavers are in suitable landscapes, minimal to no intervention is needed as their activity is contained to the wetlands”.

“The videos are also a good example of showing the options available to farmers when they turn up in unsuitable areas, and the value of NatureScot’s Beaver Mitigation Scheme in providing support.”

All information on the FAS website aligns with NatureScot’s beaver mitigation scheme – links to further advice can be found within the resources.  

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